In this advert appear many sexy girls in bikini running in the jungle. The girls begin to run to te beach and jump on the stones. There are many girls with a different bikinis and complements, with a shopping bags in her hands. Seems they are desperate to encounter something and suddenly appears an uggly men throw oneself an a spray deodorant. The girls continue running and localize the men, they girls are seduced by the deodorant smell. In the image we can see a lot off girls running to the men. Treading persons and towels and throwing sand to the people. The girls begins to encircle the men and he puts her uggly glasses and the 'Specs Effects'' make impact suddenly the girls start to leave and let he alone. He continues to throw onself the deodorant but the girls leave.
In this advert make a parody of the AXE spots and the company Specsavers try to sell glasses. The secret of this advert is the men not choose well the model of glasses and the girls leave. The advert is recorded in a Colombia'n beach and the company needs more than 100 actors and actresses. Specsavers is a Britanic company and they have a lot of shops there.
I like this advert because I start to see it and the girls impacts me because they are sexy and also because there is funny advert and make my laugh the men movements and his situation. This advert isn't real, but if will be real I buy a lot of glasses and deodorants of this trademarks.
The link of this advert is here The Specs Effect.
In this advert make a parody of the AXE spots and the company Specsavers try to sell glasses. The secret of this advert is the men not choose well the model of glasses and the girls leave. The advert is recorded in a Colombia'n beach and the company needs more than 100 actors and actresses. Specsavers is a Britanic company and they have a lot of shops there.
I like this advert because I start to see it and the girls impacts me because they are sexy and also because there is funny advert and make my laugh the men movements and his situation. This advert isn't real, but if will be real I buy a lot of glasses and deodorants of this trademarks.
The link of this advert is here The Specs Effect.