The film I've watched is ''Coach Carter'', I watched this film in a basketball campus in 2005 and I really like it. Is a basketball. It was recorded in USA and the director of the film is Thomas Carter.
The Coach Carter is a sport and drama film. Is a about a coach, Ken Carter accepts the coaching job of a basketball team called Richmond Oilers. In his old school, Richmond High School, after to been a recordmen of his team when he was been a player. Taking over the coach Blanca, Carter hears that the members of the team are rude and disrespectful he makes they sign a individual contracts, giving them instructions that they attend at class and maintain academic average over 2,3. Three members of the team and one of them Timo Cruz, refuse to follow the contract and leave the team. The coach's son, Damien joins the team, after to leave of his private school in San Francisco to play with his father. The team finally wins the league and players were invited to a mansion of rich people. The coach realized that players weren't in the hotel and went to the party and picked all them at the same night. The angry coach returns to the office and look all the archives of progress of the players has been skipping class and notes were very loose. Like a consequence the coach closed the gym and suspends the training until the team have improved qualifications. This sparked outrage from fans who demand to Carter to end the closure and attack him. Finally the players improve their califications and allowed to play basketball agin. The team plays in the high school playoffs with Saint Francis, one of the best teams in the state, as the first rival. The team finally lost but feel proud of what they have achieved. The end reveals that six of players have gone to university and graduated.
I have enjoyed a lot this film but I like basketball and the film are very interesting for me. Is a old film but always been good. I recommend the film to people likes the motivational sport movies.
The Coach Carter is a sport and drama film. Is a about a coach, Ken Carter accepts the coaching job of a basketball team called Richmond Oilers. In his old school, Richmond High School, after to been a recordmen of his team when he was been a player. Taking over the coach Blanca, Carter hears that the members of the team are rude and disrespectful he makes they sign a individual contracts, giving them instructions that they attend at class and maintain academic average over 2,3. Three members of the team and one of them Timo Cruz, refuse to follow the contract and leave the team. The coach's son, Damien joins the team, after to leave of his private school in San Francisco to play with his father. The team finally wins the league and players were invited to a mansion of rich people. The coach realized that players weren't in the hotel and went to the party and picked all them at the same night. The angry coach returns to the office and look all the archives of progress of the players has been skipping class and notes were very loose. Like a consequence the coach closed the gym and suspends the training until the team have improved qualifications. This sparked outrage from fans who demand to Carter to end the closure and attack him. Finally the players improve their califications and allowed to play basketball agin. The team plays in the high school playoffs with Saint Francis, one of the best teams in the state, as the first rival. The team finally lost but feel proud of what they have achieved. The end reveals that six of players have gone to university and graduated.
I have enjoyed a lot this film but I like basketball and the film are very interesting for me. Is a old film but always been good. I recommend the film to people likes the motivational sport movies.